Shop Product

Fire Starter (grom food)


Standard Dimensions

Length Width Thickness Liters
4’10” 17’’ 2’’ 17.0
4’11” 17 1/8’’ 2’’ 17.4
5’0” 17 1/4’’ 1/16’’ 18.3
5’1” 17 1/2’’ 1/16’’ 18.9
5’2” 17 5/8’’ 1/16’’ 19.4
5’3” 17 3/4’’ 1/8’’ 20.4
5’4” 17 7/8’’ 1/8’’ 21.0
5’5” 18’’ 1/8’’ 21.4
5’6” 18 1/8’’ 1/8’’ 21.9

Please choose your spray. In case of full board color, just e-mail us with the correct colour code to

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The Fire Starter is a next generation vehicle and is actually a scaled down model of what my team riders use today. Noses run wider in comparison to a normal board to keep the outline balanced. Rocker is low with a single concave and good tail release to keep the board sensitive and snappy for a lighter smaller surfer. The first stepping stone for the next generation.

Size in inch

4.10, 4.11, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6