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Mountains To Shores Hoodie


From the mountains to the shores, we will get you all fired up! Let’s say we admire both worlds and like to float them together whenever it’s possible. That’s what this design is all about.. The colours will carry you to a campfire sensation with a bottle of wine and a couple of snakes surrounding your big toe. Whatever, in the end you just want to jump in and catch those double overheads..

Available in shortsleeve shirts (black/raw beige) & sweaters (grey) & hoodies (raw beige).


The summer of 2022, it will be one to remember. With more events coming up, a second slate trip & a new collection designed by our main mate from Newcastle (AUS). We can tell you how sick the shirts & sweaters look and feel but we would like to experience it yourself.
With a lot of variation in merch you will find what you’re looking for and discover the trifles.
Same quality, different colours, those are the ingredients for the summer.. ENJOY


XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL